Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Jim Chuong Investing Performance in 2010

A little over a year ago, I wrote an article about a young canadian investor who had been showcasing outstanding returns over the past decade. It seems than he fared very well since the last time I wrote about him.

As stated previously, Jim Chuong started seriously managing funds in 1998 with a staggering 68% return for the period. His objective was to beat the S&P 500 index and he has managed to do it 9 times since then. An investor who started with 10 000$ invested with him at the beginning of his career would have found himself with  a whooping sum of more than 66 000$ at the end of 2010.

As can bee seen in the chart below, his fund got hit in 2008, as many did, but Jim Chuong still managed to generate positive returns even for investors who got in at the beginning of 2008.

For those who have not done it yet, his website contains the annual letters he provides to explain his performance for the year. They are very insightful as he even adds explanations about the topics that prevailed during the year. He has not yet completed the 2010 letter but he will post it shortly. One can also find the rare copies available on the internet of the partnership letters of Warren Buffett and Benjamin Graham.

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